Ask her: In what way is Jesus Christ personally your king right now? What do you do to show him fealty on a regular basis?
Her answer is likely to be that he leads "the organization" or "the faithful and discreet slave" and that she "goes out in service and attends meetings." These are both wrong, of course, but that's less important than the fact that she didn't even answer your question. You asked how he is personally HER king and she answers with his supposed relationship to the Watchtower cult. You asked what SHE DOES to show HIM and she answers with how she participates in activities of the Watchtower cult.
This kind of thing is common among Jehovah's Witnesses. As a Christian, you are familiar with Paul's illustration of putting on the "new personality?" Cults like the Watchtower create a personality that subsumes the real person so that even when asked about what they do or feel or think they will very often relate those behaviors, thoughts, and emotions through the cult somehow.
This is what makes nugget's suggestion in this thread so useful. "If you weren't a Jehovah's Witness, what do you think you would be doing right now?" It forces them to think in a way that they rarely allow themselves to think.